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April 2017 Hilton Head/Bluffton Market Report


Summer already?

As we send out this month’s market update, it certainly feels like it with temperatures dancing around 90-degrees…

It’s a busy time of year for so many people with schools letting out, graduations, trips planned, etc.., so we will just get right down to the nitty-gritty on the market:

Sales up up 17% from this time last year, inventory is down 2%…and the median sales price is right around $300,000 in our overall market-area. In short, things are looking really good!

So…as always…we stand ready to help in any/every way…so just give us a shout, text, email, and one of our CGR specialists is standing by to be of service to YOU!

Have a great weekend…and, of course, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!


Monthly Indicators

Housing Supply Overview

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