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Broker Associate, Jon H. Haldane, Joins Collins Group Realty

Jon H. Haldane, Broker Associate, Collins Group Realty

Collins Group Realty is pleased to announce the addition of a Broker Associate, Jon H. Haldane, to their real estate team. He is serving the Group’s clients from their Bluffton office in Westbury Park.

Jon’s impressive resume consists of over 30 years’ experience driving sales growth with various companies internationally. Most recently, Jon worked as Independent Senior Director of Racebrook Marketing Concepts, operating out of Charlotte, NC as Broker-in-Charge and Auctioneer.

With homes in North and South Carolina, Jon has maintained his Real Estate Broker license in both states since 2004, as well as his Auctioneer license, which he holds in several US states.

Jon received his Bachelor of Business Studies, with an emphasis in International Marketing, during his period of residence in Cyprus. He has extensive experience not only in business development and executive level management, but also in contract negotiation, selling commercial real estate and luxury real estate.

Read his full biography here


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