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Chip Collins Featured Guest on Beyond the Business Podcast

Beyond the Business Podcast

Chip Collins was invited to share his story, from his college days to the present, on the Beyond the Business Podcast. What resulted from the interview was an energizing discussion spread over two episodes.

The podcast has been running for 6 years out of Charleston, South Carolina, sponsored in part by College of Charleston and hosted by Eric Cox and Leslie Haywood.

Episode 1 (28 min)

Chip Collins shares his upbringing and early life aspirations with Eric and Leslie. Moving from Ohio to Hilton Head after university, Chip brought his industrious disposition to the Lowcountry and found great success in the real estate market. We touch on the entrepreneurial spirit and the elusiveness of success. 

LISTEN to Episode 1

Episode 2 (29 min)

On July 25, 2020 guest Chip Collins comes back for this second episode with Eric and Leslie. We discuss the evolution of Chip’s career and eventual entrepreneurial excellence. Chip reminds us of the importance of team building and fostering essential personal relationships within a company. Listeners gain intriguing insight to the structure and intricacies of the real estate industry. 

LISTEN to Episode 2

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