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Collins Group Realty and Area Communities Collect 2 Tons During Food Drive

Collins Group Realty held our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive on Saturday, November 14, 2020 in Windmill Harbour, Long Cove Club and Point Comfort Communities, and collected 4,000 lbs. of food for The Deep Well Project.

This year, our 20th year of conducting the food drive, 293 bags of food and pantry items were donated to help stock Deep Well’s nearly empty shelves in time for Thanksgiving food deliveries.

“The generosity of our community is outstanding, but oftentimes people just need clear direction on what to do and when. With Collins Group Realty providing the organizational structure and promotion of this weekend’s food drive, it enabled people to give, and give generously, since CGR made it so easy for them to participate.”

Gina Rice, Pantry Manager, The Deep Well Project

Collins Group Realty utilizes the Community Vehicle (a box truck they loan, free of charge, to community organizations, non-profits, schools, and clients) and our own volunteers, including Real Estate Specialists, staff and family members, to collect the donations and deliver them to Deep Well.

“Helping others is a privilege and an honor for our organization. Great thanks to the generosity of the residents of Long Cove Club, Windmill Harbour and Point Comfort.”

Chip Collins, Owner/Broker-in-Charge, Collins Group Realty

Palmetto Hall also utilized the Collins Group Realty Community for their own Annual Community Food Drive in November. Those donations were also contributed to Deep Well’s pantry.

The Deep Well Project provides year-round groceries and pantry items, including special meals at holidays to Hilton Head families. If you would like to donate you can call 843-785-2849 to arrange a pick-up. For more information, or to make a monetary donation, visit their website at

For more information about our Food Drive or Community Vehicle, please contact Ashley Lindblad 843-837-6700 or

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