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Downsizing: The Junk Drawer

Collins Group Realty Downsizing Workshop

by Chip Collins

Scissors and Wires and Pens, Oh My!

Of the myriad issues surrounding a downsizing move, one of them certainly (and most anxiously) is the “stuff.”

Where will it all go/fit, and how on earth will you get it from point A to point B – whatever and whenever that is?

It’s assuring and empowering to look back into history and understand that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and also that the journey of a thousand miles simply begins with one step.  You can do this…and today is a great day to start!

In our recent workshops, Trish Uremovich, our favorite Move Manager, suggested an easy starting point:  Grab a Hefty trash bag, and head for the “junk drawer.”

I suspect we all have this catch-all drawer in our kitchen or pantry or office.  The one that seems to attract just about everything that otherwise doesn’t have a dedicated space in the home.  For that matter, this is its home, and it’s not alone.  In fact, things seem to multiply in this space, yielding a multitude of redundant items that are ripe for downsizing.

How many pairs of scissors does one really need?  Where did all these pens come from?  And, what exactly does this cord charge anyway?

The “junk drawer” may be the ultimate first step in the downsizing process since it is finite, manageable, eye-opening, rewarding, and offers up an immediate sense of gratification upon opening the newly-downsized drawer once you are finished.  Life seems simpler, more organized, and less stressful when you can open the drawer, easily see and select what you need, and you aren’t confronted with the tangled, interwoven mess of multiple and unnecessary items.  Ah…how satisfying!

Here’s hoping you might find some fun and reward as you embark on this primer task…it might just spur you on to take a peek into the attic as well 🙂

Please keep us posted and in mind as you continue on your path toward downsizing, as we stand ready to help in any and every way!

If you’re interested in downsizing, we welcome you to attend our next Downsizing Workshop. Click here for the date, location and details>>

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