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May 2021 | Mask Mandates Expire Throughout Beaufort County

Mask mandates in municipalities throughout Beaufort and Jasper counties have been coming up for renewal or expiration since mid-April 2021. Hilton Head is the last to expire and is following the decision not to renew the mandate after May 16th.

As it stands now, businesses can still require masks indoors. If a business does not require a mask to be worn indoors, the decision falls on the individual. Many national retailers are continuing the mask requirement, while some local businesses have relaxed the regulation.

COVID-19 Mask Requirements throughout Beaufort County and surrounding areas

source: The Island Packet

MunicipalityMask Requirements Expire
Town of BlufftonApril 14, 2021 – In all buildings open to the public and on public/commercial road transportation, including tours
Town of Hilton HeadMay 16, 2021 – All commercial spaces
Unicorporated Beaufort CountyApril 15, 2021 – In any commercial or public building, except for child care facilities, schools, churches, and gyms following social distancing; on public/commercial transportation, including tours
City of BeaufortApril 30, 2021 – In all buildings open to the public and on public/commercial transportation, including tours
Town of Port RoyalApril 30, 2021 – In all commercial establishments open to the public, except when engaged in an activity that makes masks not feasible

Even with mask mandates changing, the State Board of Education has a policy mandating masks indoors through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. This includes all Beaufort County public schools.

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