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Sea Turtle Nesting Season – Turn Out Your Lights and More…

Nesting Season: May 1st – October 31st, with hatchlings starting to appear in July

With Loggerhead Sea Turtle nesting season well underway, advocates for their protection are trying to get new ordinances passed that would affect lighting on existing homes and those under construction, require approved lightbulbs and light fixtures, and regulate large holes and litter left on the beach, including abandoned tents and chairs by beachgoers.

Read this article for more details about the proposed revisions to the current sea turtle ordinances: Island Packet Article May 21, 2019
Ongoing council meetings are being conducted to decide on the proposed revised ordinances regarding how we can better help hatchling emergence success rates increase. If you’re heading to the beach, it’s important to remember your responsibility to the wildlife. Enjoy the beach, but leave no trace that you were there.
  • Remove litter – trash cans and recycle bins are provided up and down the beach
  • Do not leave any tents or chairs up overnight
  • Take down sand castles and fill in holes
  • If you’re on the beach at night, use a red flashlight, or shield your flashlight or phone screen with something red or orange

If you’d like more information about helping the turtles, here are a few resources you can contact:

Sea Turtle Patrol HHI – Amber Kuehn
Hilton Head Turtle Trackers –

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