On Sunday, December 2nd, Collins Group Realty participated in the 2017 Bluffton Christmas Parade with a special purpose in mind. The Group had a desire to do more than parade through Old Town – we wanted to take the opportunity to do something that would benefit the community. And so, the very first town-wide toy drive during the parade was born. It was a huge undertaking involving a partnership with Bluffton Self Help and the Bluffton Police Department. The 80+ toys collected at the 1st Annual Toy Drive will be donated to local Lowcountry families in need this holiday season.
“For a first time event we are very happy with the results and participation from Bluffton residents. The community was so generous in their giving. Next year promises to be even bigger and better!” Taylor Brunn, Bluffton Office Manager and CGR Toy Drive Team Leader
We decorated our “Community Vehicle” – a small box truck that we make available year-round to non-profits, schools and clients free of charge, as our parade float. Parade attendees were encouraged to bring new, unwrapped toys for donation through social media, event posters pinned up around town, print ads donated by the Sun News and Hilton Head Monthly, and additional press from the Island Packet, Local Life and CH2/CB2.
“We are truly grateful for the support from our local media publications.” Ashley Smith, Marketing Manager
If you were unable to attend the parade and would still like to donate, toys are being accepted at Collins Group Realty office locations in Bluffton and Hilton Head, Monday – Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Donations can also be dropped off directly at Bluffton Self Help. If you wish to obtain a donation receipt, please email holiday@blufftonselfhelp.org.

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