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Taking a Stand in Real Estate Sales

by Chip Collins

Have you ever paced back and forth when you’re on an important and engaging phone call?

Did you ever notice how getting up from your desk for a quick walk seems to clear your head and re-energize you?

Such are the benefits of working at a standing-desk, and here at Collins Group Realty we’ve fully embraced the idea of standing while we work.  In fact, over 25% of our staff and agents operate at a standing-desk as of 2018.

Some desks are fully fixed in the upright position, while others are “convertible,” allowing a comfortable workspace in both the sitting and standing positions.

“I never had a standing desk before…and I absolutely LOVE it,” raves Julie Smythe, the Group’s Client Concierge.  “I’m more focused when I stand up.  I have more energy, and I feel more engaged with clients.”

Ryan Stefonick, Broker Associate – not only does he lead an active lifestyle, this triathlete works from his standing desk before heading out to show homes or list property on behalf of our clients

Studies have shown that, on average, someone who works in an office can be seated for well over 5 hours, and this can lead to all sorts of health issues.  Conversely, a combination of standing and sitting leads to improved posture, blood-flow, and overall wellness.

“I got tired of my traditional desk,” shares Chip Collins, Broker/Owner of Collins Group Realty.  “Standing keeps me fully in the moment, and I feel like my back and shoulders are in a better position for computer and paperwork.   When I get a little tired or when I have meetings, sitting feels like a welcomed change…but I’m always glad to be back standing up – especially when on the phone.”

If you haven’t experienced a standing desk, give a try at using your laptop at your kitchen counter as a trial run…or stack some books on top of your desk to simulate the feeling/set-up.  It takes a little getting used to, but soon you may be craving it, and the benefits that come with your new work stance.

Karen Lesch, Closings Specialist spends most of her busy day standing while she works to bring our clients home to a successful closing.

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