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Town of Bluffton Seeks Neighborhood Assistance Program Applicants

Town of Bluffton Neighborhood Assistance Program

The Town of Bluffton is currently accepting applications for its Neighborhood Assistance Program, which is administered by the Affordable Housing Committee.

The goal of the program is to help low and moderate-income residents make repairs to their homes or properties in an effort to promote access to a safe and affordable living environment. To be eligible for assistance, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Complete an application, which can be found on the Town of Bluffton’s Growth Management Department website:
  • Earn an income which does not surpass 60% of the area median income for Beaufort County. For example, a family of four would qualify if the household’s total income is less than $43,320.
  • Submit three paycheck stubs for income verification.

If approved, applicants may receive assistance for a variety of home improvement services, ranging from removing hazardous structures from their property to fixing leaky roofs and unsafe floors. Interested residents may contact Brad Mole, the Community-Business Development Coordinator, for more information at 843-706-7818 or

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