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  • U.S. Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 | Near Totality in Hilton Head / Bluffton

U.S. Total Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017 | Near Totality in Hilton Head / Bluffton

Solar Eclipse | The moon moving in front of the sun

Hilton Head and Bluffton are all a buzz about the upcoming Solar Eclipse. Locals bars and restaurants are hosting “Eclipse Parties” and school is out of session! This is a big deal since this area is nearly in the line of totality (~98% totality).  While this once in a lifetime event will last just over 6 minutes, many will travel to nearby spots to the line of 100% totality. Most American’s live within a days drive to the path of totality, and with many out of area schools not in session, there will likely be an increase in weekend travel. The last U.S. full eclipse of the sun that crossed from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic was June 8, 1918.

So what’s the big deal? “You will be stunned at the apparition of the Sun’s corona, the majestic light show in the sky, and the full sensory experience of totality. You will remember this sight for the rest your life and will never regret the effort to see totality.” -Michael Zeiler, (Find maps and more information on this website)

NASA will cover the eclipse live from coast to coast, beginning at noon EDT. Get more details on NASA’s Eclipse Site

Grab your special eclipse glasses, if you can find some, and get ready for this spectacular day in history – Monday, August 21, 2017

Events Around Town

  • Tiki Hut – Blackout Solar Eclipse Beach Party with Cranford Hollow 1- 6 pm
  • Mellow Mushroom Hilton Head – Total Solar Eclipse Party 1 – 3:30 pm

Read this article for a full list of solar eclipse events and where to find glasses 

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