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Downsizing: How To Get Rid of Your Stuff

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If you’re looking around your home and stressing about the clutter or all the things filling the shelves and closets… maybe you have furniture you’d like to get rid of, or an attic full of stuff that you haven’t laid eyes on in years, then this video might help guide you in the right direction.

We talk about this topic of how to get rid of your stuff, including how to make those difficult decisions, and where everything can and should go, in a more in-depth discussion at our Downsizing Workshop. If you’d like to learn more on this topic, or how to downsize your home, sign up for our next workshop at:


Book Recommendation

“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo
By now you’ve probably heard of the Netflix reality show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. Whether you’ve seen it or not, We would like to recommend reading (or listening to) her book (because the book is always better than the movie, right?!) This book is great because it offers a step-by-step guide on how to sort through your household and let go of things that no longer bring you joy.
See it on Amazon

List: 20 things you can throw away without even thinking about
Provided by Move Manager of Lowcountry Moving Solutions, Trish Uremovich

  1. Expired coupons
  2. Old magazines
  3. Expired pantry items (canned goods, spices, etc.)
  4. Old clothes
  5. Old/extra/excessive wrapping paper and supplies
  6. Excessive plastic and paper bags
  7. Broken things you’ve been meaning to repair
  8. Old/extra/stained/torn linens
  9. Chipped dishes and mugs
  10. DVDs you know you’ll never watch again
  11. Duplicate kitchen tools
  12. Accessories you haven’t worn in a year or more
  13. Take-out menus
  14. Extra boxes and empty storage containers
  15. Refills for items you no longer use
  16. Expired or compromised bike helmets
  17. Expired medication
  18. Expired cosmetics
  19. Old cell phones
  20. Books that don’t move you or that you haven’t used for reference in three or more years

Donate Items to Local Thrift Stores:

  • Habitat for Humanity 843-757-9995
  • The Litter Box   843-842-6369
  • Goodwill  843-790-8589
  • The Church Mouse  843-785-2322
  • St. Francis Thrift Store  843-689-6563

Beaufort Country Recycling InformationGeneral Recycling at Convenience Centers 

Special Collection Events (shredding, electronics recycling, hazardous waste) List of Dates

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