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June 2016 Hilton Head/Bluffton Market Report

June 2016

Happy Summer from CGR!!

Looking back on June, we saw a little drop in activity – both in pending and closed sales…but nothing tremendous or concerning…and year-to-date 2016 compared to 2015, we’ve seen a positive trend in each category.   The average time for a home to sell is down 10% from last year, and we continue to see more and more examples of multiple-bid situations.

I had a client from New Jersey proclaim this week that “everyone is moving south”…and that may very well be the case.  We’re certainly seeing/feeling that, and the market is on an upswing as a result.

We love what we do…and we work hard at it every single day (and night, for that matter)…so keep sharing with us how we can help, and we’ll be honored to do so.

Have a great balance of your July!



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