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June 2020 Hilton Head / Bluffton Market Report

Summer Greetings from CGR!

This is always a busy time of year, especially on the Island, and it’s particularly busy as visitors are enthusiastically getting relief from cabin fever. The beaches, bike paths, boat cruises, golf courses, and tennis course are all getting their fair share of interest and activity right now…

The real estate market is also quite robust, with pending sales in June up a whopping 80% as compared to June 2019. This will go a long way to help our market fully recover from the dip in sales that occurred during the quarantine in March and April.

Notably, average sales prices for closed sales this year are up over 8% compared to 2019, reflecting the impressive number of higher-end properties that have sold just over the past 2 months.

Monthly Indicators

Housing Supply Overview

Real Estate Market Report by Area/Community