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Welcome to the Collins Group Realty December 2013 Market Update

January 2, 2014

 Happy New Year from HHI!!

Well…2013 is officially a wrap at this point, and we are so excited to have put together our best year ever at Collins Group Realty.  It was a year filled with challenges in just about every transaction due to market conditions, lending environment, anxious buyers/sellers – the whole mix.  And, yet, I’m really proud of our team putting in every ounce of extra effort required to help approximately 300 clients achieve their real estate goals last year!

The local market took another BIG STEP FORWARD in 2013 with roughly a 10% gain in new closed transactions over 2012, and a 7+% increase in the average sales price for the market-area.  These 2 data-points alone demonstrate strength and confidence in a market that is highly-attractive to a massive number of prospects in the US and worldwide.  So, it’s as if all the ingredients for a strong market are in the pot, and it just needs a little more time to cook.

Expect to see inventory to spike in the first couple weeks of January…so if you are shopping, that might be a really interesting time for you to hone in on the market and see if your perfect-match property might come on the market!   The first few months of the year have been some of the most-productive over the past several years, and we expect 2014 to follow that trend nicely.

Here’s hoping you have had a fantastic year, and that you had the opportunity to grab some quality time with friends and family around the holidays.

All our best to you and yours for an amazing 2014 ahead!

All our best-


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